Dr. Wu Zhiqiang of CSUST published a high-level paper at NDSS

2022-12-15 16:00:00 2022-12-15

Recently, the scientific research paper OBI: a multi-path objective RAM for forward-and-backward-secure searchable encryption, with Dr. Wu Zhiqiang of  Changsha University of Science and Technology(CSUST) as the first author and CSUST as the first authors affiliation, was accepted by the Network and Distributed System Security(NDSS) Symposium 2023, a leading security forum that fosters information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security. This is the first scientific research paper published by CSUST scholar at the international top conference on network security.

This scientific research paper, co-authored by Dr. Wu Zhiqiang and Professor Li Rui of Dongguan University of Technology, focuses on data privacy protection technology in cloud environment, and proposes concepts such as multi-path inadvertent random access machine. NDSS is one of the four top academic conferences on cybersecurity, with topics including Internet security, hardware security, software security, blockchain security and many other fields, with very high academic influence, and the acceptance rate has remained at about 15% all year round. The acceptance of the paper shows that Changsha University of Science and Technology has achieved new breakthroughs in the field of cloud computing and network security.
