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发布日期:2022年01月23日 来源: 作者:

食品科学与工程,博士,教授、博士生导师。Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization期刊副主编

电子信箱: yiqunh@csust.edu.cn,yiqunh@hotmail.com


美国华盛顿州立大学食品科学博士(2001年)、生物系统工程系博士后(2001-2004)。2004-2008,美国纽约城市大学助理教授;2009-2017,上海海洋大学教授、上海市“东方学者”特聘教授、博士生导师。2019年9月至今,教授。主要从事肉类食品在贮藏及热加工过程中的质量与安全变化,基于光谱技术的食品快速、无损检测,健康产品的研发。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、“十三五”国家重点研发项目子课题、上海市科委地方能力建设项目、湖南省重点研发项目等研究项目。在Food Hydrocolloids, Food Chemistry, Carbohydrate Polymers, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety等期刊发表SCI/EI论文百余篇,参与英文著作1部。自2017年4月起,担任Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization期刊(2022年JCR二区)副主编。





1. 肉类食品在贮藏及热加工过程中的质量与安全变化

2. 基于光谱技术的食品快速、无损检测

3. 健康产品的研发


1. Zhijie Liu, Yiqun Huang*, Shanshan Kong, Junjian Miao, Keqiang Lai*. Selection and quantification of volatile indicators for quality deterioration of reheated pork based on simultaneously extracting volatiles and reheating precooked pork. Food Chemistry, 2023, 419, 135962.

2. Xiaohua Sun, Xiangjun Li, Juming Tang, Keqiang Lai, Barbara A. Rasco, Yiqun Huang*. Formation of protein-bound Nε-carboxymethyllysine and Nε-carboxyethyllysine in ground pork during commercial sterilization as affected by the type and concentration of sugars. Food Chemistry, 2021, 336, 127706.

3. Yiqun Huang*, Xiaohui Wang, Keqiang Lai, Yuxia Fan, Barbara A. Rasco*. Trace analysis of organic compounds in foods with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Methodology, progress, and challenges. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2020, 19, 622-642.

4. Xiangjun Li, Xiang Liu, Keqiang Lai, Yuxia Fan, Yongle Liu, Yiqun Huang*. Effects of sucrose, glucose and fructose on the large deformation behaviors of fish skin gelatin gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 101, 105537.
