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发布日期:2023年09月06日 来源: 作者:



电子信箱: xuc@csust.edu.cn


中共党员,湖南祁阳人,2020年7月毕业于中国科学院大学,获生物化工专业博士学位,同年进入中国农业科学院麻类研究所。2022年8月加入食品与生物工程学院,现为生物工程系教师,硕士研究生导师。主要从事食品/农产品加工副产物高值化利用、食品/药品递送系统、生物基能源/材料/化学品等研究,主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金等科研项目。近年以第一/通讯作者在Bioresource Technology、Industrial Crops & Products等期刊上发表学术论文14余篇,其中9篇发表在中科院一区top期刊(IF ≥ 10.0的SCI论文5篇),参编英文专著1章节。




1. 木质纤维素定向解构与生化转化

2. 酶催化体系及食品/药品递送系统研发


[1] Xu Chao, Xiong Yaru, Zhang Jun, Li Kuntai, Zhong Saiyi, Huang Shushi, Xie Chunliang, Gong Wenbing, Zhu Zuohua, Zhou Yingjun, Peng Yuande*, 2023. Liquid hot water pretreatment combined with high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis and fed-batch fermentation for succinic acid sustainable processed from sugarcane bagasse. Bioresource Technology. 369, 128389.

[2] Xu Chao, Alam Md. Asraful, Zhang Jun*, Wang Zhongming, Chen Huanjun, Xie Chunliang, Peng Yuande, Huang Shushi, Zhuang Wei, Xu Jingliang*. Identification of lignocellulosic derivatives inhibiting succinic acid fermentation and molecular mechanism investigation, 2022. Industrial Crops & Products. 187, 115466.

[3] Xu Chao, Alam Md. Asraful, Wang Zhongming, Peng Yuande, Xie Chunliang, Gong Wenbing, Yang Qi, Huang Shushi, Zhuang Wei, Xu Jingliang*, 2021. Co-fermentation of succinic acid and ethanol from sugarcane bagasse based on full hexose and pentose utilization and carbon dioxide reduction. Bioresource Technology. 339, 125578.

[4] Chao Xu, Md. Asraful Alam, Zhongming Wang, Jun Zhang, Huanjun Chen, Shushi Huang, Wei Zhuang, Jingliang Xu*. Mechanisms of bio-additives on boosting enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, 2021. Bioresource Technology. 337, 125341.

[5] Xu, Chao; Liu, Fen; Alam, Md. Asraful; Chen, Huanjun; Zhang, Yu; Liang, Cuiyi; Xu, Huijuan; Huang, Shushi; Xu, Jingliang; Wang, Zhongming, 2020. Comparative study on the properties of lignin isolated from different pretreated sugarcane bagasse and its inhibitory effects on enzymatic hydrolysis. International journal of biological macromolecules. 146, 132-140.
