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姚 丽

发布日期:2023年11月07日 来源: 作者:


电子信箱: ybl200999@126.com


姚丽,中共党员,山西朔州人,2009年8月至2020年6月在合肥工业大学分别完成本科、研究生阶段学习,获生物工程学士学位、食品工程硕士学位、食品科学博士学位,美国北达科他州立大学联合培养博士(2018.10-2019.10)。2020年7月至2023年1月在合肥工业大学大学材料学院博士后流动站从事博士后研究工作。现为食品与生物工程学院食品与科学工程系专任教师、硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为食品安全快速检测。参编英文学术专著《Aptamers for Analytical Applications: Affinity Acquisition and Method Design》 《Nanosensing and Bioanalytical Technologies in Food Quality Control》两部;在Food Control、Food Chemistry、Analytical Chemistry、Biosensors and Bioelectronics等国际期刊发表学术论文近30余篇,其中一作及通讯作者论文12篇;参与申请食品安全检测相关专利8项,其中授权专利5项。





1. 食品安全快速检测

2. 纳米生物传感的构建及其在检测中的应用


1. Li Yao, Yingwang Ye, Jun Teng, Feng Xue, Daodong Pan, Baoguang Li, Wei Chen*. In Vitro Isothermal Nucleic Acid Amplification Assisted SurfaceEnhanced Raman Spectroscopic for Ultrasensitive Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89: 9775-9780.

2. Li Yao, Jianguo Xu, Jigui Cheng, Bangben Yao, Lei Zheng, Guodong Liu*, Wei Chen*. Simultaneous and accurate screening of multiple genetically modified organism (GMO) components in food on the same test line of SERS-integrated lateral flow strip. Food Chemistry, 2022, 366, 130595.

3. Li Yao, Jianguo Xu, Wei Qu, Dongqing Qiao, Sergei A. Eremin, Jianfeng Lu, Wei Chen*, Panzhu Qin*. Performance improved fluorescence polarization for easy and accurate authentication of chicken adulteration. Food Control, 2022, 133, 108604.

4. Li Yao, Jun Teng, Mengya Zhu, Lei Zheng, Youhao Zhong, Guodong Liu, Feng Xue*, Wei Chen*. MWCNTs based high sensitive lateral flow strip biosensor for rapid determination of aqueous mercury ions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 85: 331-336.

5. Li Yao, Yinji Chen, Jun Teng, Wanli Zheng, Jingjing Wu, Samuel B. Adeloju, Daodong Pan, Wei Chen*. Integrated platform with magnetic purification and rolling circular amplification for sensitive fluorescent detection of ochratoxin A. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74: 534-538.
